Spend enough time in the Lawrence area and you're bound to see someone wearing
a Dog Days T-shirt.

You can't buy 'em. The shirts are wearable trophies that can only be earned by extensive participation in the program. There are several shirts out there (Summer, Fall/Winter, and Saturday shirts). Thanks to our generous Dog Days sponsors, the T-shirts are free to all participants who attend a set number of workouts each season.

For Summer 2024, you need to complete 20 workouts for a T-shirt. Remember, you can do Two-a-Days and Saturday Fun Runs to get to your count.

For Saturday Fun Runs, you need to complete 5 Saturday runs for a Saturday T-shirt (sleeveless).

Red Dog's Dog Days would like to thank our generous sponsors!

In Loving Memory of Mike Laskowski In Memory of Ralph Gage
(on your back 30 seconds, stretch and reach)
In Memory of Bob Kent In Memory of Bill Bell, Sam Bolton, & Wade Allen
Sparrow Creative Studios Anna Jester
Jan Sheldon & Jim Sherman Landmark Bank
McDonald Chiropractic Clinic Old Marine Buddy
Douglas County Visiting Nurses, Rehabilitation & Hospice Akoma Counseling, LLC
Mohr Four Forever Mike Grosdidier Insurance Agency
Blue Chip Athletic Maceli's & Arterra
Wohler Family Rueschhoff Answering Service
Jan Sheldon & Jim Sherman Riley Family
Alderice Family Noah & Renee Rodenbeek
Donna and Brian Lang Jeff & Julie Hatfield
Jefferson's Restaurant Great American Bank
Amyx Barber Shop Dave Toplikar & Family
Sean Williams Realtor Tallgrass Valuations
Enjoying Life 3 miles at a time
Stan Herst Realtor
McGrew Real Estate
Sew Forth Alterations and Tuxedos Bigg's BBQ
Sigler Pharmacy Westerhouse Inc
Lily, Holly, Maeve, Jack, & ??? PuC Nation
Klotz x 2

And a special thanks to:

Jerry Henley — Photographer & Sound SystemKevin Liu — Website/Social Media
Erik Herron — Has-Beens Coordinator Our Exercise Leaders
Our Checkers

The cost to become a sponsor of Red Dog's Dog Days is $300 (summer only) or $400 (both summer and fall). Sponsors will be listed on this page and will have their name or company's name printed on the back of the summer and fall T-shirt.

To become a sponsor, please bring a check written to "Red Dogs Dog Days" to a workout or mail to:

Don Gardner
3209 Yellowstone Dr.
Lawrence, KS 66047

Make sure to include the name of the Dog Days person responsible for the check and the shirt size of the donor.